Tuesday, November 2, 2021

November Goddess of the Month: Pasithea

 Pasithea is a lesser-known Greek goddess. She is one of the younger Charities (Graces) and the wife of Hypnos, the god of sleep. Her name literally translates to relaxation and she represents just that. She is the matron of relaxation, meditation, and restorative activities. 

To honor this goddess is simple. Relax. Take some downtime just for yourself. Engage in an activity that you find calming and restorative. She's all about rest and self-care.   

If you have time with us how you plan to honor Pasithea.

November 2021 Challenge: Maintain Your Battery

 October left me floundering for energy. Not time but energy. I'm not sure why. I was exercising. I was sleeping well. I was making sure my housework was done.  I was engaging in my relaxation activities. I was rocking the school day. But by 2 pm I was just out of energy and I still had dinner to make. With the holidays coming, American Thanksgiving and the Christmas season, it's important that I manage this now. 

The only thing different is how often I was asked to pull my focus from the task before me to deal with something not related to any of the above. Together each small request drained my battery. 

We don't run on AAA batteries. We can't just change them when they run down. So much like our laptops and cell phones, we have to learn to maintain our battery health.  

Our challenge this month, identify unnecessary "battery" draining situations. Can it wait until you have more energy to deal with it?  If not, can you mitigate the drain?  

For me, I'm going to start taking a day of "radio silence" when I need one.   These are the days I will let text messages go unviewed and phone calls go to voice mail. If you're not on my "starred contacts" list you're out of luck for that day.  

If you have an action plan of how to maintain your battery please share.  We'd love to hear from you.