The lion-headed Egyptian goddess Sekhmet is a fierce, fiery goddess of war and chaos. Her name means "Mighty One." She serves as an Eye of Ra as she escorts his ship across the midday sky. She reigned arrows of fire and in her rage she was known to spread pestilence and disease, eradicating her enemies. She was also known for her healing. As Lady of the Flame, she held great alchemical power. The magical fire burned away impurities, leaving a body well and rejuvenated. In this aspect, she was known as the matron goddess of the doctors and healers of ancient Egypt.
To honor this goddess, light a red candle or dress in your favorite red clothing. Get your health checks. Make sure you are taking your vitamins, supplements and/or prescription medications.
Photo credit: Milena Matrakchieva
Sources: Goddesses for Every Day by Julie Loar
Ancient Egypt Online:
I love Sekhemet she is powerful and teaches us to empower ourselves. She is a warrior Goddess and full of inner power and determination to see things through.
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